Hey there! 👋 I'm Felix Vemmer, the person behind this blog. Here, you'll find straight-to-the-point insights and practical advice on Python, TypeScript, and all things full-stack.

If you're a fellow developer, you're in the right place. Welcome aboard!

If you wanna say hi, send me a DM on Twitter/X or an email to felix.vemmer@gmail.com.

My Journey

Initially, I had no formal coding education. My programming journey began with Python, a language that I found incredibly practical for data scraping and machine learning projects. This early work ignited a spark and quickly led me to evolve into a data engineer role.

As I delved further into the tech industry, the rise of Web3 caught my attention, pushing me to explore full-stack development and understand the intricacies of building products from scratch. This exploration began with Flask, moved on to Django, passed through Vue, and finally landed me in the welcoming arms of Next.js.

Currently I am building these three projects:

My Mission

As an Indiepreneur, I've always believed in the power of sharing and the magic that happens when we help one another grow. My mission with this blog is not just to share my insights and experiences, but also to create a community of like-minded enthusiasts who are passionate about Python, TypeScript, and full-stack technologies.

In my posts, you will find a mix of practical tutorials, thought-provoking insights, and discussions on the latest trends and innovations in the field. My hope is that this blog will serve as a valuable resource for both beginners who are just starting out and seasoned programmers looking for a fresh perspective.

I welcome you to join me on this journey, as we delve deeper into the world of Python, TypeScript, and full-stack technologies. Let's learn, grow, and code together!

Happy coding!
